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SHORT : MCF V4.13 ARexx Integrated AmIRC Scripts.
AUTHOR : dtbecker@ptd.net (Donald T. Becker)
UPLOADER : dtbecker@ptd.net (Donald T. Becker)
TYPE : comm/tcp
VERSION: : $VER: MCF4AmIRC.readme 4.13 (26.12.96)
A set of integrated ARexx scripts that perform many functions not
readily available with AmIRC (by Olliver Wagner). Auto-Ops, Status,
Help, and File Server are some of the functions. Remote User Functions
are also available to Authorized Users.
Read the Guide file under Installation for extra information on
installation and software in-compatibilies.
New to Release 4.13:
Fixed a bug with MCF_SOUND. It now validates that the
requested file actually exists as a FILE before trying
to play it.
New to Release 4.12:
Added MCF Configuration File exist validation so that
MCF will not Crap out if one of them don't exist.
MCF will notify you which file is missing and continue
to execute. If you receive this/these error(s),
copy the missing file(s) from the MCF4AmIRC archive
to the MCF: directory
New to Release 4.11:
Fixed DCCGET bug that occurred with version 4.10.
Changed GUI procedure for selecting which SoundDir
you send a Sound Request from when you have multiple
directories assigned to your SOUNDDIR variable.
Added GUI interface "MCF_Auto.AMIRX" for setting
values of %AUTO variables.
New to Release 4.10:
Added MCF_SAbuser.AMIRX to ignore speech abusers.
Re-structured MCF.AMIRX for future ease of updates.
Added new flag: PSOUND. if = Y, MCF will play
sounds you send to other users.
Validation now performed on all startup values at
MCF startup time and during %AUTO settings.
New to Release 4.9:
Added 2 new CTCP functions: ClientInfo and Finger.
MCF_Finger.AMIRX requires AmiTCP:bin/Finger for it
to respond to a CTCP Finger request.
Fixed a problem in the MCF_HELP script.
DalNet updated versions so I had to change how the
scan in the flood protection for DalNet Services was
Added code to MCF to help guarantee that redirected
dos commands will NOT execute on your machine.
Added Speech and Speech on/off auto switch.
New to Release 4.8:
The MsgPort "SFPROTECT.?" has been removed.
and "MCF_SFPROTECT.AMIRX". Altered coding in
Help and Status Functions process only 1 request
at a time so as not to flood yourself from off of
the Server.
Flood Protection routine should no longer ignore
MCF will now display a channel's Topic upon your
Joining it if it is an Encoded Topic.
Added missing commands to MCF:MCF.Cmds.
New to Release 4.7:
All Config files have been moved from ENV: to MCF:
Install script handles updates of older versions.
Added new options to Auto-Greets:
P will send the Greets as a PRIVMSG to the user.
C will only send Greets to a user if that channel
is listed in file: MCF:MCF.GChans.
Added validation to values issued by way of %AUTO.
CTCP_Sound.AMIRX is now more Win95 compatible.
MCF Aliases are now installable thru install script.
Install script moves configuration files from ENV:
to MCF: and deletes 1 obsolete script from ENV:.
Added new CTCP function: MCF_PING.AMIRX.
New to Release 4.6:
Fixed bug in !Nick Auto-Request function.
Re-structured Flood Protection processing.
Fixed bug where an ingnored, but not silenced
user, would still get response from MCF.
Finally added auto-random and auto-nick Greets.
Sound function now strips IBM style drive letters
and directory paths from sound filenames.
New to Release 4.5:
Added new feature to MCF_GETSOUND.AMIRX.
Added new feature to MCF_Encode.AMIRX.
Added DalHelper configuration to Install_MCF.
Added more functions to DalHelper.AMIRX.
Fixed bug in MCF.AMIRX Decryption routine.
Fixed bug in %AUTO USE/SAVE routines.
Changed MCF_SOUND.AMIRX to auto-request a
not-found soundfile only once.
Added a GUI to sending sounds function "CTCP_Sound.AMIRX"
Commpressed all script files with RexxOpt.
Added Auto-Get feature for sounds you request
from another user thru the NOSOUNDS settings.
Fixed channel CTCP flood protection.
New to Release 4.4:
Extra kick power added to function MKB.AMIRX.
New function for users of Dal's NickServ and ChanServ:
New to Release 4.3:
Nothing except for Rexx: being hard-coded before all scripts.
New to Release 4.2:
Added 2 new commands for those users who keep asking
New to Release 4.1:
Made encryption schemes into a file that is to reside in MCF:
filename is MCF.Encrypt.
Re-structured the internal coding of MCF so that the main
loop in it has less to interpret thru each cycle.
Changed MCF_Encode.AMIRX to fetch the necessary encryption
info from the clipboard instead of reading the whole
MCF.Encrypt file or hard-coding it into the script.
Added URL for MCF Home Page to MCF_VERSION.AMIRX
New to Release 4.0:
The main script (MCF.AMIRX) and all associated scripts were
changed to run the remote commands as seperate background tasks.
This allows the main script to continue it's processing quicker.
Added user configurable responses to "Soundfile not found"
condition from a CTCP SOUND.
Added new CTCP command: MCF_VERSION.AMIRX.
Added new CTCP command: MCF_GETSOUND.AMIRX.
Added size checking to the Flood Protection routine.
Added Icons and a new script to allow a user to test MCF
first, without Installing it.
Added 4th option for response to "Soundfile not found".
Added support for auto-fetching of un-found soundfiles.
Added code to allow individualized remote command usage.
Added Silence to the auto-ignore and un-ignore routines.
Added new Extra command for joining a channel and then
sending a sound request to the channel: JSound.AMIRX.
Added new Extra command for manual silencing of users
that you expect flooding from: MCF_Silence.AMIRX.
Added support for Cybeonix V1.3.3 message encryption.
Added new Extra command for encrypting messages:
Added 10 new encryption routines exclusive to MCF.
New to 3.1:
Added new Extra Command: Say.AMIRX This allows you at add
attributes to lines of text sent to the channel or a user.
Attributes are: Reversed, UnderLined, and Bold.
Added new Level 99 function: %OPTS This will display to the
screen the current changeable enviroment settings being used.
New to Release 3.0:
MCF now makes use of ENV default values stored in a file named MCF4AmIRC
in your ENV: directory. This will make the installation of any future
updates much easier.
Scanning for TEXT and PRIV Flooding has now been added to the
Protection process. A new method for passing the info to the
Protection process has also been added.
New to Release 2.2:
An installation warning. A new function to make using the configuration
functions easier.
New to Release 2.1:
9 more .help files and a completely re-written %STATUS function.
Please E-Mail me about bugs/suggestions.
New to Release 2.0:
Now supports CTCP Sound command. MCF has the capabilities now to process
a CTCP Sound command sent to you by another user just like "mIRC" users.
Now included, FLOOD Protection. This method isn't perfect, so, if it doesn't
stand up to a Mass Attack upon you, I'm sorry.
Protection is somewhat proportional to the speed of your CPU.